
周迅做客黄岛商科讲坛分享“Shadow Pricing Undesirable Outputs based on Convex Quantile Regression: Methodology and Applications”


77日,经济管理学院于文理楼580会议室举办第121期黄岛商科讲坛,讲坛邀请到英国萨里大学商学院周迅副教授,做题为“Shadow Pricing Undesirable Outputs based on Convex Quantile Regression: Methodology and Applications”的报告。本次讲坛由我院成员闻雯副教授主持,学院部分教师及硕博士研究生参加。


本次报告中,周迅副教授首先讲解二氧化碳影子价格的不同定义方式和测度方法,分析各类方法的特点并指出其中存在的估计误差问题,剖析估计误差来源和问题成因,进而提出一种基于凸分位数回归(Convex Quantile Regression, CQR)的二氧化碳影子价格估算方法。紧着,周迅副教授讲解了CQR方法的核心思想与发展脉络,分析了基于CQR进行二氧化碳影子价格估算的科学性与合理性,并结合芬兰电力行业数据验证该方法有效性,指出相关研究前沿与待探索的研究方向。最后,报告进入互动环节,周迅副教授针对老师和同学们在研究中存在的疑问进行了详细的解答,本次讲座取得圆满成功。

Dr Xun Zhou  is a Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics at Surrey Business School (SBS), University of Surrey, UK. Prior to joining SBS, he was a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Environmental Economics at the University of York, UK (2021-2023) and a Postdoctoral Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Munich, Germany (2020-2021). In 2019, he received his PhD (Econ) in Management Science from Aalto University School of Business, Finland. He has been focusing on shadow pricing undesirable outputs within the frontier estimation framework and evaluating the causal effects of policy interventions. He has published in journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, World Development, Energy Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Economics Letters, and Internet Research.

【作者:闻雯  来自:经济管理学院  责任编辑:赵艺豪  审核:解丹阳